How well do you know your skin? Take this simple quiz today and find out the myths and realities that exist. - test
Oily skin wrinkles less than dry skin
Hot water helps to open pores
Greasy, oily and junk food are the reasons for acne breakout
Higher the SPF value of your sunscreen, the better
Makeup with SPF is more effective
Oily skin does not need moisturiser
Scrubbing can help keeping pimples from breaking out
Sunscreens should be avoided as it can make oily skin face more oily.
You should wash and exfoliate your oily skin more often to avoid blemishes and break-outs.
Oily skin always means acne.
There can be no control over oily skin
Lotion for Oily Skin
Lotion for Combination to Normal Skin
Face Wash